Without a doubt, the hard work of Rabbi Golan, presented in this wonderful text, which compounds in a clear and comprehensive way our Jewish legacy, is a huge light for those of us who teach, and for those who want to learn Judaism in their mother language. To finalize, I can say with certainty that this book brings to the Spanish language reader the basic teachings of our Judaism in a precise and clear manner so that anyone can begin, continue or go in depth in this path in which all of us, as Jews, grow everyday.
- Rabbi Daniel Iaakov Shmuels Avrahams
(HaRav Disha)
Sin lugar a dudas, la ardua labor del rabino Benjamín Golán, presentada en este maravilloso texto que condensa de manera clara y comprensiva nuestro legado judío, es una luz gigantesca para todos aquellos que enseñamos así como para todos aquellos que desean aprender judaísmo en su lengua materna. Para finalizar, puedo decir con toda convicción que este libro brinda al lector de habla hispana las enseñanzas básicas de nuestro judaísmo de una manera precisa y puntual para iniciar, continuar y profundizar en este camino en el cual, como judíos, crecemos todos los días.
- Rabbi Daniel Iaakov Shmuels Avrahams
(HaRav Disha)
I came to Rabbi Golan after many years of searching for answers. I lost a boyfriend in a car accident when I was 19-years-old. That tragedy ignited within me an urge to find out what the purpose of life was I tried psychics, astrology, Christianity, Buddhism - you name it - I tried it!!. However, nothing I tried ever helped me to get rid of the void I always felt in my life. I got married and had a child - who brought me more happiness than I could have imagined possible. As my son got older, and my father was dying, I once again started feeling very empty, which led me to start searching once again for the purpose of life. My search for answers came when I came across Rabbi Mizrachi's YouTube video, "Torah and Science." I couldn't stop watching it. I said to myself, "These are the answers I have been searching for my entire life." I immediately contacted Rabbi Mizrachi who put me in touch with Rabbi Golan. I haven't stopped learning since that day. I no longer have that void I have felt my entire life. I have found the answer to every question I ever had about life. I finally feel complete, and I no longer feel empty. I'm so grateful to have found Orthodox Judaism. It's the most beautiful life and the most beautiful people anyone can ask to be a part of.
- Rachel